Ben's blog

ramblings from cyberspace

So, I've finally become one of these digital nomad backpackers, floating through Asia with neither purpose nor goals.

While it is pretty nice get to see so many different places and cultures it does become a bit weird after a bit to not really have a home, a place to relax. While I've been struggling with a missing purpose these last couple of weeks and since I'm not one to just enjoy hedonistic pleasures all day, I though I'd do what I like most, do some coding!

However, this time I kind of want to try something different, since in the past most projects just ended up going on forever while I work on some low-level things that in the end don't matter at all if there's nobody using that program.

This has mostly been brought about because I realized that of the games I've made, the only one I've seen other people actually like/enjoy was a game I made for a GameJam in a week, while other games I've spent months or even years on don't really evoke anything in playtesters. This mostly came about because some of the kids I've been teaching GameDev in a Youth Center started playing that game by themselves and getting quite competitive about it, at first they weren't sure whether one can actually beat that game because it's too hard, after showing them that it's possible things started heating up until the first one beat it, gotta say it was really nice to see people actually enjoying something I made!

With that experience in mind, I'll build a couple of apps in the future to just try out various ideas, trying to keep things as simple as possible, and not just spend months obsessing over technicalities that are irrelevant without a sufficiently big userbase. This also seems like a nice opportunity to try out different stacks and see with which one I get results the easiest/fastest, trying to keep an open mind and not just write off because it's too hip or something.

This all can be boiled down into a couple of rules/constraints I'll put on myself, since constraint begets creativity.

  1. 7 Days from start to finish! (can be non-consecutive)
  2. Don't add anything new after Day 3, unless absolutely necessary!
  3. Write about the process, from start to finish including screenshots/thrown away ideas
  4. Make it Open-Source (probably AGPLv3)
  5. Actually tell people about it!

Especially that last part will be quite the challenge for me, but in the end people will either like it or just ignore or forget about it.

So, for a first project I'm working on social app, matching people that want to learn something with people that are willing to teach that. Nothing fancy, might already exist, but seems simple enough for a first project.

Regarding the tech stack I'll try out Astro/React/Tailwind/Material Tailwind/Supabase, I'm especially interested in Supabase, since if it works out it could simplify things greatly and Material Tailwind looks like a nice component library so that I spend my time actually building the app, instead of designing another button component.

Well, that was quite the brain-dump, hope you enjoyed reading it. It's currently 2:38AM here in Busan and I gotta wake up somewhat early tomorrow since I'm getting lunch with friends.

안녕히 가세요