Ben's blog

ramblings from cyberspace

WS2HTTP - Day 2

I've been somewhat busy with other things on the weekend but today I've returned to work some more on WS2HTTP, and by now things actually work pretty well. It's also a lot less complicated than anticipated (the entire node.js server is ~150 loc).

WS2HTTP - Day 1

Today I've continued on experimenting with this WS2HTTP idea and first started building the backend with Rust/Tokio...

Gotta say, I really didn't like it, it just felt so overly complicated. I suppose that's the price one has to pay for efficien…

WS2HTTP - Day 0

So, because I've been thinking a lot about how to do small projects on the web without all the complexity inherent in modern stacks I came upon an idea that might be able to allow for efficient WebSockets with a (Fast)CGI backend.

It seems that m…

Skill X Change - Day 1

So, I'm calling quits on this project. Mainly because working with this stack is just no fun and mostly just slows me down. Still good that I tried things so out, so that now I know WHY I don't like certain parts of the stack. So, in this Entry I'll kin…

Skill X Change - Day 0

So for my first project I though I'd build a simple Web Page/App where people can specify what they know and what they'd like to know, and the system then matches people up so they hopefully learn something nice from each other, not particularly novel/i…

Future projects

So, I've finally become one of these digital nomad backpackers, floating through Asia with neither purpose nor goals.

While it is pretty nice get to see so many different places and cultures it does become a bit weird after a bit to not really ha…

Thoughts on interactive programming

So, after deciding to take GuixSD for another spin on my x220. I've become interested in trying out Guile again. For starters I wanted to do a simple Pong, since it shouldn't be that hard, and after getting things working I can play around with the stru…

Trade-offs between Single- and Multiple-Dispatch

Lately I've been thinking about the trade-offs between multiple-dispatch and single-dispatch.

Single-dispatch has its appeal in its simplicity. The process involves traversing the inheritance/prototype chain until a method with a matching name is…